Embedded within our foundational commitment, The CardinaleWay, are carefully chosen keywords that resonate with both our mission and your experience. Among these, "relationship" stands as a cornerstone. In each initial interaction, our goal extends beyond mere transactions; it's about cultivating a lasting connection with our customers. Not just any connection, but an exceptional bond that will endure long after your car's journey.
Equally significant is the principle of "everybody wins". In an era where victory often seems to necessitate another's defeat, our aim is to foster contentment among all parties involved. This entails a profound understanding of our products and an even deeper comprehension of our customers. It entails attentive listening, genuine concern, and the recognition that individuals entrust their second-most valuable investment to those they have faith in.
With all of that in mind, we feel good about the service that we provide. But - we don't know how you feel until we ask. Let us know what you think about your interaction with our dealership.
Porsche Bakersfield is committed to excellence – but we are also always looking for ways to improve. Let us know how well we hit our mark of perfection by rating us below. We appreciate you taking the time.